Karma’s a bitch…

Buddhists refer to it as karma. Dictionary.com defines the Buddhist concept of karma as: action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation. You may be more familiar with The Golden Rule, which states, “treat others as you would like to be treated.” Where as the wording may be different, the message is inherently the same.

My question to you is this, have you ever been apart of it? And not as the recipient, but as the actual positive or negative energy being returned to another. With almost 100% certainty, we can say you have. You probably just never realized it, or never thought about it in that sense. I recently experienced this first hand, and it didn’t change any previous notions I had about the concept, but rather, it confirmed them; and once again confirmed that despite all the negativity we see in the world each day, a positive force still exists, and continues to persist through it all. I hope my story, and brief moment of enlightenment can help pass the torch to you, who I hope in turn will pass it on to another.

As I was making my way towards the lobby at my work, I noticed an older woman getting out of her car. I made it a point to stop at the door, and wait the extra 15-20 seconds so I could open it for her. At the time I thought nothing of it. We hold open doors for people every day. As I made my way through the small lobby and towards the spiral stair case, I overheard her talking to the receptionists. She was there to drop off a student’s ID badge (I work at a University), she found at a local theater. She had no affiliation with our school, and didn’t know the student. She actually drove a good distance out of her way to drop it off. It dawned on me as I continued my way up the stairs what I had just been a part of. I was her positive karma. Just a minute prior I was holding the door open for her, 20 seconds after that she was dropping off the ID badge, 20 seconds after that I realized what just happened, and 20 seconds after that I started writing this post.

Karma’s a bitch ain’t it?

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